SPN Initiatives Support |
SPN announces 2 calls per year to support Neuroscience Initiatives.
An amount of up to 2,000 Euro per call can be granted to support initiatives/events (e.g. international conferences, symposia, workshops, meetings) held in Portugal that are dedicated to promote Neuroscience.
There are two application deadlines per year:
Nov 30th - for meetings taking place between January – June.
May 31st - for meetings taking place between July – December.
Applications will be examined by the SPN governing board and granted on a competitive basis according to these guidelines:
1. Applicants have to be SPN members (with no membership fees overdue).
2. Funds should be used to cover the organization of the event, including travel, registration and accommodation expenses. Expenses for honoraria or social events will not be eligible.
3. Conferences that are supported by SPN will be publicized at the SPN homepage (http://www.spn.org.pt/).
4. By accepting the support, applicants are obliged to clearly indicate the sponsorship of the SPN (with logo) in all adverts and announcements of the activity, both in hard copy and in the web, as well as in the Abstract Book.
5. A copy of the Abstract Book should be sent to the SPN Secretary (sxapelli@medicina.ulisboa.pt) up to one month after the activity has taken place, together with a short description on how the SPN support was used.
To apply: https://forms.gle/g6KsdpVzQCFExESR8