Grants for participation in FENS Forum 2012 |
5 scholarships of 500€ each will be available for PhD students. Please send CV, motivation letter, two reference letters and a copy of the abstract submitted to FENS 2012 to Ana Cristina Rego (acrego@cnc.cj.uc.pt)
5 scholarships of 500€ each will be available for Postdoctoral fellows (exclusion criteria: postdoctoral fellows who are principal investigators in funded projects). Please send CV, motivation letter, two reference letters and a copy of the abstract submitted to FENS 2012 to Isaura Tavares (isatav@med.up.pt)
Deadline for registration: February 12th
FENS travel award recipients for the FENS 2012 (Click here).
SPN travel award recipients for the FENS 2012 (Click here).
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